Julia Brown and Re Jin Lee
The Story

Julia Brown
Wayne, PA
Twist on Cancer: I never thought about Cancer impacting my life until 2020 when my daughter's husband was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. In 2024, I lost my younger brother to Prostate Cancer in March and my husband to Pancreatic Cancer in May. I am now supporting my daughter and her family again as my son-in-law continues his battle with Testicular Cancer. I have been filled with hope and a sense of peace through my participation as an Inspiration in this Brushes program. Re Jin and I have formed a strong and deep bond in a short period of time, and it is my wish to continue to grow with the Twist Out Family and be able to help others benefit from the program in the coming years.
Twist on Cancer: I never thought about Cancer impacting my life until 2020 when my daughter's husband was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. In 2024, I lost my younger brother to Prostate Cancer in March and my husband to Pancreatic Cancer in May. I am now supporting my daughter and her family again as my son-in-law continues his battle with Testicular Cancer. I have been filled with hope and a sense of peace through my participation as an Inspiration in this Brushes program. Re Jin and I have formed a strong and deep bond in a short period of time, and it is my wish to continue to grow with the Twist Out Family and be able to help others benefit from the program in the coming years.

Re Jin Lee
Pound Ridge, NY
Clay and glaze
13” x 12” x 9.5”
Artist Statement: I had the privilege of matching with Julia, whose story greatly moved me, and through our conversations, I felt a deep connection. When we finally met, it was as though we had known each other for a long time. One moment that stood out to me was when Julia shared how she and Frank took walks together every day, a ritual that became central to their relationship. While I typically work intuitively, often avoiding literal representations, for the first time, I felt compelled to bring this sentiment into the artwork. The walks Julia and Frank shared were more than just physical movement; they were a symbol of their connection and unity. Inspired by this, I wanted the piece to reflect their bond. The intertwined forms of the letters F and J lean into one another, supported by a grounding stride. It is a visual tribute to the strength of their relationship, their shared steps, and the warmth of the love they cultivated. The metallic glaze was chosen to reflect this energy, as I hope the reflection carries on the bond between Frank and Julia, allowing others to feel its strength.
Clay and glaze
13” x 12” x 9.5”
Artist Statement: I had the privilege of matching with Julia, whose story greatly moved me, and through our conversations, I felt a deep connection. When we finally met, it was as though we had known each other for a long time. One moment that stood out to me was when Julia shared how she and Frank took walks together every day, a ritual that became central to their relationship. While I typically work intuitively, often avoiding literal representations, for the first time, I felt compelled to bring this sentiment into the artwork. The walks Julia and Frank shared were more than just physical movement; they were a symbol of their connection and unity. Inspired by this, I wanted the piece to reflect their bond. The intertwined forms of the letters F and J lean into one another, supported by a grounding stride. It is a visual tribute to the strength of their relationship, their shared steps, and the warmth of the love they cultivated. The metallic glaze was chosen to reflect this energy, as I hope the reflection carries on the bond between Frank and Julia, allowing others to feel its strength.