Caileigh Scott and Gabrielle Heckenbucker
The Story
Headshot of Inspiration Caileigh Scott
Caileigh Scott
New York, NY
Social Media: @caileighscott
Breast cancer survivor
Twist on Cancer: I am so very grateful for the perspective shift and the incredible people that breast cancer has brought into my life. It has helped me reprioritize my time and focus on what makes me happy. So many good things in my life right now would not have happened without breast cancer. It was a plot twist, an unexpected chapter, but my "twist" on cancer is that it has presented so many opportunities to find myself again.
Headshot of Artist Gabrielle Heckenbucker at a desk
Gabrielle Heckenbucker
The Netherlands
Social Media: @gabrielle_heckenbucker
Mixed media on canvas
19.5” x 24” x 1.5”
Artist Statement: Before I met Caileigh through a Zoom session, I had seen pictures of her on her Instagram account. I was very impressed by her openness and honesty and her appearances in public. From what I could see on the outside, she exposed herself in a vulnerable way, as if layers were taken away and exposed a beautiful soul. Life is about layers, they can be transparent or opaque, but the energy will always shine through. When meeting Caileigh through our first Zoom session, I was surprised by her liveliness and strength. The way she approached her diagnosis and how she coped with cancer is so admirable. This all made me sit down and muse, the word ‘unfolding’ immediately came to my mind. Impossible to put me in her situation, I followed my intuition and started to paint and I couldn’t stop. The most joy brought to me was to see her dancing in the posts she shared. That’s why dancing flowers, floating in a gentle breeze, appeared on my canvas. More flowers were invited to dance with her, as her personality was so inviting. Petals are spread by the wind, like new seed pods. The flowers are given life through rainbows, with long strong stems resistant to strong winds. Skies can be clear and cloudy but there’s always light on the horizon. The beauty of flowers will never fade away.