A Family Finds the Community They Need in Twist Out Cancer

Blog images courtesy of Eileen O’Hair.

When Scott Aaron’s father, Howard, was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma, the family immediately knew where to turn. 

Howard was already on Twist Out Cancer’s board and participated in bringing Brushes with Cancer to fruition in Philadelphia. Additionally, his wife, Andi, participated as a Brushes with Cancer Artist. Through Howard’s involvement, Scott and his wife, Nancy Evans, had a community to turn to during diagnosis, treatment and recovery. 

“For me, I was really impressed with how Scott went into action mode,” Nancy said. “One thing I know about Howard and his family is they are amazing at taking care of each other.”

While Howard was going through tests, Scott understood the situation’s gravity just by interacting with his father. There were many red flags that something bigger was going on.  

“Thank god he had thumbprint recognition for his phone,” Scott said. “He didn’t know how to put in the password.”

Typically outgoing and talkative, Howard became more quiet. He also began forgetting things and struggled with directions. It was his clutter, though, that tipped off his family. 

“My dad is very meticulous, very clean, doesn’t like messes, everywhere has its own place,” Scott said. “Andi said stuff was everywhere. That’s when we sprung into action.”


The flexibility to step up


Scott and Nancy, both entrepreneurs, understood what they wanted out of life and set a plan in motion to make it happen. There are three businesses between them, with one they formed together. Each business is set up to stay sustainable in the event of an emergency, like the one they had on their hand with Howard’s health. 

“I think everyone should have the flexibility and affordability to spend time when they want to, where they want to and who they want to,” Scott said. 

The flexibility that allowed Scott and Nancy to step up for Howard also helped when Nancy was diagnosed with kidney cancer three years ago. Luckily, doctors caught it early and she has been in remission since. 

“Regardless of what’s going on in our life, never a week goes by where one or both of us say we are so grateful for the businesses we have,” Scott said. 

Thanks to the couple’s sustainable working model, Scott could take a month off work to help Nancy with treatment and recovery. 

“The natural caretaker in someone comes out when people need to be taken care of,” Scott said. “I feel the same way about my father’s situation.”

With Howard’s cancer journey, Nancy managed the business side so Scott could attend his father’s chemotherapy appointments. His sister, Blair, also had flexibility with her job and could be present. The rockstar title, though, goes to Andi. 

“Andi was faced with a very daunting task and she stepped up. She surprised herself,” Scott said. “She was such a rockstar in not just helping my dad through his journey but letting us step in and help out. She knew we were a safe space for her to open up.”

Between a strong body and a strong family, Howard had what it took to beat cancer and is currently cancer-free. 


An opportunity to give back


Howard immediately received support through the 2024 Midwest Brushes with Cancer program, where he served as an Inspiration. As part of the program, Twist Out Cancer leadership nominated Howard for the Shawn Strong Award. Inspired by Shawn Green, the award is presented to an Inspiration who models the positive spirit Shawn upheld between his diagnosis and passing. Mirroring Howard’s cancer journey, his whole family showed up for the event.

“Going to the Twist Out Cancer event in Chicago, where Howard won an award and had art featured, was an emotional experience,” Nancy said. “What hit me most was when they showed the people who didn’t survive. It made me realize how much cancer impacts people.”

Coincidentally, the couple/business owners were looking to support an organization that felt personal to them. Scott and Nancy made their decision as soon as they saw how the Twist Out Cancer community impacted Howard. 

“I looked over to Scott and said this is it, we want to support this cause,” Nancy said. “For us, it was a no-brainer, we absolutely want to be part.” 

They saw potential with LinkedIn. Scott, a LinkedIn expert, is the author of multiple marking books, including a few on LinkedIn strategy. 

To help boost Twist Out Cancer’s social media presence, Scott took staff through a 90-minute LinkedIn training. An expert and author, Scott showcased how small changes can make a big impact on the platform. 

For Scott, it’s a simple way to say thank you to a community that stepped up alongside his family. 

“The whole Twist Out Cancer family just went above and beyond to support my dad, to showcase his fight and his victory over a rare form of cancer,” Scott said. “For me, there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about cancer. It changes you forever, it’s so personal.”